MLA Panels and GSA Annual Business Meeting, MLA Convention, Chicago (January 9-12, 2014)

January 9, 2014 –January 12, 2014

The George Sand Association will hold two sessions at the Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association in Chicago (January 9-12, 2014).

Guaranteed Nineteenth-Century Division Sessions

  1. “Animals and Animality”: Seeking papers on animal encounters in fiction and related theory, discourse, images, phenomena or events. Possible topics: allegory, anthropomorphism, zoomorphism, animal ethics, animals on display, le regard de l’animal, animals and human thought. Abstracts of 250-350 words by February 22, 2013. Cheryl Krueger (

  2. “Nineteenth-Century French Studies in the Twenty-first Century”: Roundtable discussion on the state of research and teaching in the field. What are the emerging trends/ looming challenges? What forces will shape the field over the next quarter century? Send abstracts for 10-minute presentations to by February 22.

  3. Proposed Joint Session Nineteenth-Century Division and George Sand Association “Women and Work”: Literary, cultural, and theoretical approaches to work and workers, material labor, precariousness, propertied and dispossessed characters, and the work of culture, language, and storytelling in the writings of George Sand and other nineteenth-century women writers. Abstracts to Pratima Prasad and David Bell by March 15.

-Guaranteed GSA session: “Ecocritical Sand” We welcome papers that consider the role of ecology in George Sand’s work, particularly insofar as it contributes to the ethical dimension of her thinking. Topics could include (but are not limited to): representations of the natural world, artistic creativity and the environment, nature vs. nurture, city vs. country, environmental awareness, activism, topoi of recycling, ecosystems of affect, harmony and idealism, ecology and theories of social justice. One-page abstract to Lauren Fortner Ravalico at <> by March 15.

For more, click on the MLA link: MLA.