George Sand Association banner
is a literary society founded at Hofstra University in 1976.

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George Sand Studies 2022-2023, n° 41-42: L’étranger dans l’œuvre de George Sand, éds. Catherine Masson et Pratima Prasad, is now available in the Members Only Section of the GSA website. Visit our Journal page for more information.
- 24e colloque international George Sand Association: « George Sand : Vivre, penser, écrire le temps », Université Lyon 2, Lyon, 22-24 mai 2024 [date limite: 1er octobre 2023].
- George Sand Association Memorial Dissertation Prize, deadline 15 January 2024. Donations to the prize fund gratefully accepted. Please send to: Rachel Corkle, Modern Languages Department, BMCC, CUNY, 199 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007. Visit our GSA Dissertation Prize page for more information.
Naginski, Isabelle. Œuvres complètes, 1829, Spiridion. (Honoré Champion, 2023) ISBN 978-2-38096-070-9.
- Recently published on GSA website: Bibliographie George Sand 2005-2009, by James Illingworth.